Monday, September 05, 2005

Latest Essay by Bill Whittle

This blog was not started to be a serious venture and so far it has been a place to cut and paste jokes and videos and to tell some fishing stories. It will continue to be so but before reverting to form, I will make one final Hurricane Katrina post. It comes from former fighter pilot and current Hollywood film editor and essayist. His latest essay, "Tribes" is linked above-(He and I both warn of some strong language but most of it is needed for effect). Hurricane Katrina has torn the scab off a wound and he eloquently describes why it hurts.
My biggest pet peeve is people who are not "doers," but are chronic and inveterate complainers, whines, moaners, bitchers and hurlers of blame. They talk and have solutions for everything but that's as far as they will go. They will actually do nothing-ever!-except complain. For godsake people, do something, anything, to help these hurricane victims and shut up while you do it. Get off you checkbooks-next time it could be you. When New Orleans is back as a functioning city, then you can engage in the absolutely futile activity of scoring cheap political points from the human suffering and death.


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