Wide Open

Since the first of October, I've felt like a hamster on a wheel--going non-stop. I've made it through all the teaching, traveling and hosting fishermen and you'd think might be able to free up some time to recuperate. I've got a nuisance cold from running too hard and not getting enough sleep that I'll try to shake before court next week. Now that Christmas is bearing down, I've got fishing rod orders to get out-six to be exact-and anytime the request for wooden pens and winestoppers will be coming fast and furious. I'm trying to squeeze in some time for the guitar and the mandolin and some blogging but I can't seem to give any of it my full attention, which is always a problem for me all the time. I feel like I've just downed four 20 oz. coffees (probably because I have) and I can't stop my right eyelid from twitching. I've got three new posts in the hopper-the last from the Texas trip, a follow-up on the fishing with friends and something on the year gone by. It's been a great year for a host of reasons and I want to get it all down before I turn the old Etch-A-Sketch over in January. Bear with me-Hope to be back tomorrow night.
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