Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I'm Beat-The Party, Part 2

I guess it's the lawyer in me that makes me want to find a way to "sneak in through the back door"before even checking to see if the front door is standing wide open. After deciding on the Dockhouse as "party central," I began checking to see if any of the lawyers knew the owner and could get us in. It wasn't to save any money or ask for any breaks, I just wanted to host the party there. We would pay full freight for the food and drinks and they would make money on the deal and we would make sure the waitresses made out like bandits. Whatever made me think I had to go right to the top to get them to accept a sweet deal is beyond me-again, that's how lawyers think-that's why they are constantly networking-that's why with most lawyer's there is nothing that's purely social, it's always "business." That's why people in general, despise them. I try not to be like that but I guess I'm not above-playing the game if necessary.Turns out that it wasn't. A 2-minute phone call to the manager, Barbara Patton and I was in the car for the 2-minute drive to the waterfront (remember, it's February). I told her what I was thinking of, she thought it was a great idea and hooked us up royally. Open bar and appetizers were what I wanted and a guaranteed pre-tourist season crowd of 100 people or so who drank like fish and ate like coyotes made business sense to her. Case closed. What to plan next?


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