Saturday, January 29, 2005

Daniel Medley gives pop-culture a well deserved boot in the ass

Purveyors Of A Disposable Culture
I always find it interesting how popular culture feeds upon itself in the sense that many of the purveyors of popular culture try to create popular culture.
At first glance I know that what I just said does not make sense but here is what I mean.
It’s an article telling everyone how much everyone loves Amber Frey.
Oh, really?
I would venture a guess that a more accurate assessment would be that a vast majority of people couldn’t care less about Amber Frey.
Including me.
The purveyors of popular culture do this all the time with fashion, music, film, and literature. Something is all the rave simply because we’re told it’s all the rave.
Another example is Paris Hilton. Why the hell is she so famous? Before the clandestine video of her getting pounded like a raw pork chop by an ex dreck of a boyfriend, she was mostly famous for being, well, famous. She apparently has no discernable talent other than showing her belly button, holding a stupid little dog and getting pounded like a raw pork chop.
I think this is one of the reasons why many fads are so short-lived anymore. Instead of filling a market, popular culture tries to create the market.
Ashleigh Simpson is another prime example of this. She is completely without talent in regards to the profession for which so many have used tons of ink trying to convince the world that she indeed does have talent. Now Ashleigh Simpson is most famous for the fact that she has no talent.
Okay, I’m confusing even myself.
The bottom line is that five years from now it’s rather doubtful that most of the so called popular culture icons will even be remembered.
If someone even bothers to mention Ashleigh, Britney, Paris, Amber, Eminem, pick your icon, they will most likely be hit with the response of, “huh”?
I suppose that it’s always been that way to some degree but it just seems that as of late it’s gotten more disposable.
Yeah, that’s it, a “disposable culture”.

He is at Link provided on the sidebar.


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